Kates Bio

About Me!

Finally I feel like I am Living my Best Life!

It took me until now to develop the 'DILLIGAF' attitude about life and other peoples opinions of me.

It took 8 years working in a souless job that compromised my core values and a divorce to get here, but here we are. What doesn't kill you definitely makes you stronger! But, I can't take credit for the way my life has changed now, Jason was absolutley instrumental in helping me move into a career that I am passionate about. We both joke about how we were happily single and adamant we did not want a relatioship when we first ran into each other, but I think the fact that we were both satisfied with our lifes and not prepared to compromise too much of ourselves just to be 'in a relationship' ultimately led us to the happy, healthy, respectful relationship we have now.

Other people have also been a key part in developing my stronger sense of identity, my best friend Tammy is my role model for being a successful woman and a unrelenting advocate for self value and self care. Equally sometimes you see other people and you realise- that is what I never want to be, and you try and observe and understand those people , so you know how not to fall into those traps.

I think the concept of living your best life can be misinterpreted, it doesn't mean that everything is perfect all the time, at least not to me, but rather that you are comfortable with where you are in life, but still looking forward, and looking for the next challenge. (Hence the boat!) It also means looking for and appreciating the things that bring you joy, for me thats taking the kids out on the bikes for a picnic, playing netball with my friends, helping someone feel better through work and pottering around the garden planning the next experimental veggie plot. So LYBL is all about celebrating the things that bring us joy and maybe helping share those ideas with others so that they might find joy in their own lives